Saturday, June 15, 2024

Movie Review: Tuesday

The new movie "Tuesday" starring Julia Louis-Dreyfus, is another one of those insane art movies, where "let's do something never done before", "strange or insane doesn't matter, as long as this is something new". Once again, like way too many movies like this one, weird and off-the-wall movie making, never means good or great movie-making.

My guess is the director/screenwriter Daina Oniunas-Pusic started writing a screenplay about a mother dealing with the grief of coming to terms with her terminally ill daughter. Then Daina soon realized that another tear-jerker film about a young woman dying had been done many times before. To be unforgettably different, rather than coming up with a great new idea, Daina adds a giant parrot to the story, whose job it is to end the lives of people who are close to death.

This giant parrot can speak fluent English, can grow small, large, or huge within any number of situations. For an idea this ridiculous within a movie that is supposed to be about a mother dealing with the death of her child, I was surprised at how much screen time was given to a rogue-talking ugly parrot.

Later in this story, through another crazy series of events, Zora, played by Dreyfus, takes over the duties of sending people to death and also can become very large or very small. Zora's daughter, Tuesday, played by Lola Petticrewy, has a depressing combo role of slowly dying from an unidentified disease and having heart-to-heart conversations with a giant bird. For anyone with screenwriting ambitions, far too often it is hard to understand an industry that makes dumb crazy movies like this, when so many great screenplays will never be made into a movie.

The best review I have seen so far about this disaster of stupidity is from Al Alexander's column on Movies Thru the Spectrum: "After wasting a Wednesday on “Tuesday,” I feel it my duty to warn you not to do the same – on any day of the week. Oy vey, what a hot mess!"

The only thing I got out of this insane waste of 2 hours is trying to understand how or why an actress as well-known and wealthy as Dreyfus would agree to make this horrific film in the first place. Especially since the giant parrot shows up on page 1 of the screenplay. Anyone else reading this idiotic screenplay would have mailed it to the Nature Channel.

The Rotten Tomatoes ratings for this stupid and insane movie are an equally insane 82%, with my rating at 10% - only for the talking bird. Miss this horrendous waste of time.

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