Friday, June 21, 2024

Movie Review: Trigger Warning

The new Netflix movie "Trigger Warning" stars Jessica Alba, who recently announced that she is stepping away from the business she founded "The Honest Company", which has given her a net worth of about 340 million dollars.

Alba's first return as a movie actress since stepping down is unfortunately a bad Netflix movie "Trigger Warning" about a highly skilled Special Forces commando, played by Alba. Alba's character Parker returns to her hometown to investigate her father's sudden death, due to an accident in a cave. The entire story from the beginning to the end, is all about finding new excuses for Alba to show off her violent hand-to-hand combat skills, which far too often result in her killing all comers with a large knife, or breaking their neck, or more rarely - just shooting them to death.

One sign of a very bad script is that the entire reason for driving the story forward is creating another excuse for a violent fight where several people die. Its hard to identify any real consistent or coherent story here, with yet another great example of why anyone with so much fame and wealth would read a script this bad, on a return to acting, and still decide to take this role. This movie represents a very bad decision for someone who is trying to return to making movies.

The critics across this board ranked this film one of the worst of the year with an average rating of only 15%. I agree with this low rating, considering the only thing worth seeing in the entire 2 hours are some of the fight scenes with no real story.

The problem is always the same. Great scripts are hard to find and even harder for anyone to write. The solution is the same as the decision of Jennifer Lopez who recently made the recent bad "Atlas". When you have so much money, and you want quality over quantity, hire the best screenwriter who has the best idea and then make a good or great movie. Never settle for something easy or expedient. It is always better to wait for quality and never settle for bad or mediocre just to stay relevant.

This movie is too bad to recommend, and I rate it a "fast forward to the action scenes and miss the rest mess."

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