Monday, May 27, 2024

Netflix Movie Review: Atlas

When does the desire to remain relevant in Hollywood start to be a bad idea after a defined number of bad movies made – mostly on Netflix over x number of years? It seems that Jennifer Lopez’s career is more about volume and less about quality and over time, this will eventually ruin anyone’s potential to make any new movie.

The latest Netflix release, “Atlas” is a robot-AI movie that is mostly about the main character named Atlas, played by Lopez, sitting in a robot transport similar to the ones used for the movie “Avatar”. Her character has conversations with the robot computer voice named Smith and fights other robots, for reasons that are not defined well enough.

The critics are in agreement about how bad this film is, giving it a Rotten Tomatoes rating of 17%, with one of the better reviews from Susan Granger of the SSG Syndicate: “What was Jennifer Lopez thinking when she agreed to star in this absurdly formulaic sci-fi action adventure? Did she even bother to read the cliched, derivative script?” Not bothering to read the script seems to be a new trend in Hollywood, with the other trend being, “better to make something bad, rather than nothing at all”. If you’re as wealthy as Lopez, then why make all of these bad streaming movies? Why not wait for something great or hire a great screenwriter to write something specifically for you, and then make a good movie instead?

Volume should never be respected more than quality, in any profession. The well-known phrase, “overstaying your welcome” has a great deal of meaning in this situation. A good example of an actress who never makes a bad movie, and waits for a quality production is actress Michelle Williams, who has been nominated for 5 Oscars, all of them for outstanding movies.

I was also surprised to see the great actor Sterling K. Brown in this bad movie, once again going for the money and not waiting for quality. Simu Liu is also in this film, playing an android robot.

I agree with the very low Rotten Tomatoes ratings of only 17% and rate this movie a big pass.

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