The sequel to the original Dune released in 2021 was a movie I streamed some time ago and it was so boring that I had to fast-forward through a majority of the film. For the sequel “Dune Part 2”, the extreme levels of boredom still exist and I thought that the best way to see both of these movies is to either get the DVDs or stream them, and then just skip to the action scenes and special effects. Dune 2 is yet another example of special effects first, great screenplay a distant second. This is mostly because of the anticipated embedded audience that the producers expect because of the fans of the Dune books and the original movie.
The other problem with this film is that nothing is really explained almost as if they expect that the entire movie-going audience has fully read the entire book series. Characters come out of nowhere, and there are few if any connections from one scene to the next. For a 2 hour and 46 minute film, this can get old very quickly and I was anxiously waiting for this entire long nightmare to end after about 30 minutes.
As for the high ratings both on IMDB and Rotten Tomatoes, I have no idea why this long, boring, and disconnected story is receiving such high marks. 190 million dollars was spent on this production, and most of this went to the special effects, which for me is the only reason to try and endure the 2+ hours. There is no real understandable or even recognizable story here, and with a better screenplay, this would have been a much better movie experience.
Dune 2 has several of the same actors as the first film, including Timothée Chalamet, Zendaya, and Josh Brolin with this sequel including new actors, Austin Butler, Javier Bardem, Dave Bautista, Florence Pugh, and Christopher Walken. After some research there is a Dune 3 in the planning stages and depending on how much money this mostly bad movie makes there might very well be a 3rd movie. Based on how boring the first two Dune films have been, I will find it difficult to sit through a 3rd one.
Regardless of the incorrect high ratings for Dune Part 2, I do not recommend this movie.
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