Saturday, August 6, 2016

Past Movie Review: Scarface

Keeping the tension at a very high level is something very rare in any movie that has ever been made. The Godfather 1 and 2, Heat, Raiders of the Lost Ark are classic movies that have not only a great script, direction, and acting but each scene either raises the tension or keeps it at the same level throughout the entire film. In all my years of watching movies, I cannot remember a more difficult to watch and disturbing scene than the shower scene in Scarface where a man was killed using a chainsaw while handcuffed to the shower. This movie came out in 1983 and to this day it is considered an all time classic. There is extreme violence in this movie, foul language, but underlying the nightmare of drugs, murder and violence​ you knew that there are people like this in the world who think of killing another human being as if it was like getting a cup of coffee.

In Scarface, Al Pacino has never been better in any role in his career. Many thought he should have won the Academy Award for this intense performance as Tony Montana but amazingly he was snubbed and not even nominated for an Oscar for this role. Brian Depalma was the director of Scarface and failed to receive a single best director nomination and the screenplay was expertly written by Oliver Stone who also failed to receive a single nomination. Scarface is now considered and all time movie classic and one has to wonder why it received such little respect in 1983 could be because of the extreme violence and foul language which was way ahead of its time. The ending scene in Scarface could be one of the most violent ever filmed.

If you have never seen the movie Scarface prepare yourself for intense action, and violence but realize it depicts the criminal lives of some very dangerous people in the world who actually exist.

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